Over the course of #OnlinePower — and in real life — you have the opportunity to introduce yourself in twelve different ways:

  1. Facebook Support Group Introduction with photo
  2. Three sentences (Real Elevator Pitch)
  3. Elevator pitch aka infomercial (30-seconds)
  4. LinkedIn Headline (120 Characters) 
  5. Facebook Intro (100 Characters)
  6. Interview (Have someone to introduce you)
  7. Audio
  8. Video
  9. Live video
  10. Website
  11. Hashtags
  12. Keywords

Introductions are a key part of our brand, and although the constraints are different in these various scenarios, brand consistency is important not only to ensure we’re making a good first impression and empowering others to introduce us but also for Google ranking.


  • Perfect your 3-sentence introduction first
  • Write the copy at the same time makes it easier to be consistent
  • List/link to your introductions in your #OnlinePower Strategy so it’s easy to access

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